Tag Archives: snow

Deep Freeze Bubbles

On the coldest day of the recent Deep Freeze, and two no-school snow days beyond my son’s two-week holiday break, my sister sent me a link to a story about a little boy and his mom blowing bubbles in the freezing cold. The photos were breathtaking (if you didn’t click through, really – you should).

It took me about 45 minutes to convince Jackson that coming outside with me to blow bubbles would be more fun than playing Batman Lego, but eventually he caved. After the customary ninja-chopping of the bubbles, he calmed down enough to let a few live long enough to freeze (and let me take some pictures).

Our images were nothing close to Angela Kelly’s (on account of her stellar photography skills and our absence of sun), but it was the perfect way to find reprieve from cabin fever with my favorite little boy. 🙂

When the sun finally showed itself today during lunch, I jumped at the chance for another take (all by myself this time, me being a juvenile thirty-something and all). My, the difference some sunshine can make!

If you try this, use the liquid soap/Karo syrup/water mix mentioned in the article – it offers up better ice patterns than the store-bought bubbles we initially used.

That sun didn’t last too long, so I’m glad I got out while I could. Hopefully it’ll come back soon, as I have a pinhole camera project calling my name, thanks to the generosity of Greg Urbano and his recent Christmas giveaway (thanks again, Greg!) 🙂 More to come on that.

Hope you’ve found some moments in the sun recently, too! If you happen to blow bubbles while you’re out there, send me a link – I’d love to see your pictures. 🙂

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Our Christmas Recap in Lists & Pictures

This Christmas was: 1) white (so.much.snow!), 2) random (keep reading), and 3) went by entirely too quickly!

I make it a point to commit happy memories to the pages of this blog and the lives-forever web-at-large, but I’m also well aware of that digital veil we all live behind. Thus, it is in celebration of mediocrity that I submit to you our list of Christmas highs and lows. 😉

The Good

  1. The magic of experiencing Christmas through a 4 year old’s eyes
  2. Putting outdoor lights up for the 1st time (even if you couldn’t see them over the snow banks)
  3. Jackson’s interest in decorating the tree (finally!)
  4. Me actually not being a control freak about Jackson decorating the tree
  5. Letting Jackson pick out the new bulbs (a simple red & green assortment)
  6. Enjoying the downtown Christmas tree lighting with friends
  7. Jackson’s first real movie experience (Polar Express @ State Theatre)
  8. Blowing Christmas bubbles (a family tradition)
  9. Starting a new German food tradition (currywurst mit pommes frites)
  10. Unearthing Frosty the inflatable snow man
  11. Inventing the Coffee Colada (banana-infused coffee with rum)
  12. A random just-for-us Santa sighting in the middle of no where (he waved & Jackson beamed) 🙂
  13. Realizing my son is a shutter-bug as he toted my Nikon around the house
  14. Getting my son a kids camera for Christmas, in the hopes that it can be something we share
  15. Jackson’s glee with getting a “dark vadar” & a “light saver” for Christmas
  16. Finally finding an advent calendar we could get behind
  17. Charting sledding courses in the back yard
  18. Making Jackson an Alphabet Book made entirely of pictures featuring him
  19. Chance-lers (when home-made accessories and cabin fever conspire against good doggies) 😉

The Bad

  1. The buzz-kill of being sick all week
  2. Need.more.sun!
  3. The brief Mommy-time-out-pity-party I thew myself thanks to 1 & 2
  4. Realizing the x-box that “Santa fixed” doesn’t have an HDMI cable
  5. That one game I forgot to buy for Jackson :- /
  6. I NEVER buy enough batteries

The Ugly

  1. Waking up to dog barf ..on the comforter.. at 3am on Christmas night. (Silver linings: 1) at least it wasn’t Christmas Eve! 2) completely absolved me of any guilt I may have felt for the Chance-lers)

So there you have it: the whole, sometimes unsavory truth. Happy to report that the good definitely outweighed the bad. 🙂 And since I couldn’t possibly end on that dog puke part… more photos! (Check the captions for a few extra “what you don’t see” gems.) 😉

We hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and cheers to a Happy New Year!

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Saturday Snapshots: First Snow








This post brought to you by bored Jess and the wonders of mobile technology. 😉

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